Here is a list of projects that I am currently or will be working on in the near future. Most of the projects listed here are third year ECE academic projects at the University of Alberta which will be completed by December 2020. I will update info on this site about each project when I get more involved in them.

Note: ECD - Expected Completion Date

Power Supply Design

ECD: October 2020

I will design, test, and evaluate a dual rail, ±10 volt, regulated DC power supply capable of supplying 25 mA to each resistive loads. Due to cancellation inperson labs and risks associated with building a power supply at home, no physical power supply will be built instead this project will be done by using the SPICE circuit simulator and full simulation and analysis of all aspects of this circuit will be provided. [Course: ECE 302 - Electronic Devices]

Transistor Amplifier Design

ECD: November 2020

I will build, test, and evaluate an audio-band amplifier with a mid-band voltage gain of 12 V/V ±5 % at a design frequency of 2 kHz and possessing input impedance greater than 10 kΩ and a minimum output voltage swing of 10 V (peak-to-peak). [Course: ECE 302 - Electronic Devices]

Online Webstore

ECD: December 2020

Currently developing an online store web application (like that allows a store manager to post new products, alter product information, and process customer orders, and customers to browse the catalog of products, select products for purchase, and check out using a shopping cart. And also to generate sales/return report of the web store.