My Portfolio

A showcase of my completed and ongoing projects to demonstrate my knowledge and expertise in various softwares and coding languages.

My name is Shahriar Noor

I am a third year Electrical Engineering Co-op student at the University of Alberta. My interests are in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, I am interested in learning about power engineering especially in the generation, distribution, and consumption domains of power systems.

Excel Dashboard

A well designed and interactive Excel Dashboard created using Microsoft Excel by utilizing Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts that showcases the sales data of a company.

Website Classification

A C# application that interacts with multiple tables in a Microsoft Access database to allow users to add/remove website categories and add/remove data to each category and displays the website inside the program

Movie Catalog

A C# application that interacts with a Microsoft Access database to allow users to add, edit, search and remove movie data from their catalog collection.

LG Ultrawide Video

Submission of video filmed and edited by myself using Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I was qualified in the top 50 of this competition.

Sustainibility Project

A first year course project at the University of Alberta where in a team we proposed to build an app named 'Map my building' which utilizes blueprints of building interiors to suggest the different routes to rooms or shops in large infrastructures.